Legend of the Five Fingered Friend
Blaze doing a dramatic reading of:
The Legend of the Five Fingered Friend

Dramatic reading for Andy, April 21st, 2020

Legend of the five fingered friend

This be a dirge to sing, ag'in and ag'in,
It starts with a coin, for tales from yer kin,
Whether they be of blood or siblings in sin,
Distribution of justice be 'bout to begin,

He comes to find ye, ye do not find him,
He hears ye grievances, but not on a whim,
Cover yer lantern, or let it be dim,
Or he be noticin you noti'n his limb,

Those who would test him, tempt fate near the sea,
So say the graves of lookouts one, two and three,
Try him not, lest ye shall see,
The coin he gave you, was your ferry man's fee,

Follow the code, and coin ye will earn,
Kin every where will get their turn,
Advice he gives freely, do not spurn,
"Do not forget, it's loot, then burn!

So as this verse, comes to an end,
Remember the Legend, of the five fingered friend,
Remember, the Legend, the five fingered friend,
Remember, the Legend, of the, five, fingered friend...